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Getting paid for Jellyfish work
Updated over a year ago

This article contains all the information you need to know about the rates that we offer and how we pay you for any work you complete on a Jellyfish project. Jellyfish regularly reviews the content creator rates that we offer across projects in line with global industry standards and market trends.

How much will I be paid to work on a project?

Rates vary across tasks and projects depending on the nature of the task, the level of complexity of the brief, whether the brief requires specific expertise and the amount of research needed to produce the content.

As such, we don't have standard 'per deliverable' or 'per word' rates but provide tailored rates for each project.

As outlined above, you'll receive training on some commerce content projects. You'll also normally receive an additional payment for training on a project brief.

Once all of your training tasks have been approved for payment by the trainer you'll receive a one-off payment for project training.

If, however, the trainer's comments are not properly implemented or if the work doesn't meet Jellyfish’s baseline quality standards, then you won't receive payment for the copywriting/localising or copy editing work.


How and when will I get paid?

There are two payment processes. The process that applies to you depends on the project that you're working on. This will be clearly stated in the job description on the job page in J+ Community and in the email the Project Manager sends when you first join the project.

We pay on the 15th of the month for any work completed in the previous month. For example, you'll receive payment for all work completed 1-31 January on 15 February.

Learn more about the J+ Scribe payment process.

Learn more about the J+ Community payment process.

What is quoting and what should I quote?

We aim to set rates in a way that satisfies our clients, our content creators and Jellyfish. The members of our community are based in 70+ countries and work in a variety of languages and language pairings to produce many different types of content in a range of industries. To bring transparency and offer community members control over their pricing, we’ve adopted the industry standard approach by introducing quoting.

The quote you offer is your decision. We’ll always set a maximum amount that you can quote on a job-by-job basis. Most content creators are used to quoting for their clients but if you’ve never done it before, there are lots of sources online that provide guidance on how to start.

Will my quote impact my application?

Quality is our top priority and your quote is our next consideration. If you pass a project application task or we think your experience is a great match for a project we'll review your quote.

Can I change my quote after I apply?

No, you're unable to edit your quote on J+ Community after you complete a job application. Please make sure you enter your quote correctly.

Can I ask for a different rate during a project?

Project rates are determined at the outset of the project. As we simultaneously manage hundreds of projects with hundreds of content creators, it’s not logistically possible to negotiate rate changes in every case.

However if the scope of the work on a project changes we would, of course, review the pricing on that project.

If you’d like to provide feedback on the rates you’re receiving on a project, please email [email protected] to share this with the Jellyfish team and your Project Manager (PM).

Please include your PM’s name so we can get back to you as quickly as possible.

Is everyone working on the same project paid the same rate for the same work?

Everyone in a project team who is working on the same content in the same language is paid equally. We look at the quotes of all those who we would like to invite to join a project team and then determine a universal rate for everyone.

Will I get paid for training?

Attending training sessions such as webinars or briefing calls at the beginning of a project is paid at a rate of £20 per project. This payment is processed once your training allocation is approved by the reviewer.

Please note that during training, making amends to reach the required standard on a brief isn’t paid for in addition to your per piece rate.

Will I be paid to make amends?

Making amends is a normal and expected part of the production process – particularly as you begin on new briefs. It's not paid separately. The task rate is contingent on all of your allocations meeting the brief and being either subbing standard or publishable standard, and all amends you're asked to make will be to achieve this end.

If you feel the amends are out of line with the brief, please communicate this to the Content Manager.

Will I get paid for reviewing (copy editors only)?

Reviewing a piece of content and providing feedback or requesting amends is included as part of the editing task and is not paid separately.

Learn more about how to give great feedback.

Will I get paid for reviewing or creating application tasks?

Please contact [email protected] with any payment queries relating to reviewing applications or creating tasks. All payments for reviewing and creating application tasks are managed by the Operations team.

I accepted my allocation but the rate is incorrect

Please contact your Project Manager to confirm the correct rate. They will be able to amend this in J+ Scribe if necessary.

If you have a question about anything in this article please contact the team by emailing [email protected]

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