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An introduction to freelancing with Jellyfish
Updated over a week ago


I'm a copywriter

Congratulations on joining the J+ Community as a copywriter. You can now complete project application tests to start creating high-quality content for our clients.

You will:

  • Attend the webinar and complete training for any projects you join

  • Use the information provided on J+ Scribe to write content in line with the content brief

  • Write content that meets ‘subbing standard’ – this means copy editors should only need to proofread and fact-check it, rather than make substantial changes

  • Meet all deadlines outlined in the project schedule

  • Complete amendments requested by the copy editor by the deadline specified in the schedule

What to expect from your first Jellyfish project:

When you have successfully passed a project application test you will be invited to join that project. Each client has a content brief, which Jellyfish will provide training on via webinar and feedback on the first pieces you write.

The process for writing with Jellyfish:

  • You will be provided with a content brief detailing the client’s requirements. There may also be extra resources, such as glossaries and style guides, to help you write to the client’s specifications

    • You will be provided with a schedule for the project, please fill this out as soon as possible to notify the Project Manager of any holidays or absences

  • The Project Manager will allocate you tasks to write on J+ Scribe, our content creation platform. You will receive an email letting you know when you have received new work

    • Log in to J+ Scribe to accept any tasks you are assigned

  • J+ Scribe will display key product information for each task, this should be used in conjunction with the content brief to write a piece

  • Once you’ve finished writing your piece, you can submit it to the copy editor on J+ Scribe

  • A key part of the process at Jellyfish is amendments (or ‘amends’, as we call them). You should consult the schedule to know when to expect amendment requests and feedback from the copy editor

  • Complete any amendments by the deadline outlined in the project schedule

  • The copy editor may request up to two rounds of amends

  • When the copy editor approves the final version of your work, the rate for this task is added to your J+ Scribe payments record and will be sent to you in line with the J+ Scribe payment process. For projects using the J+ Community process, please see the J+ Community payment process.

I'm a copy editor

Congratulations on joining the J+ Community as a copy editor. You can now apply to join projects to start editing content for our clients.

You will:

  • Edit pieces to a publishable line, this means they are objectively perfect and meet every requirement of the content brief so that they are client-ready

  • Attend the webinar and complete training for any projects you join (this won't apply on some projects using the J+ Community process)

  • Use the information provided on J+ Scribe to edit pieces in line with the content brief

  • Provide copywriters with constructive feedback when asking for amendments

  • Meet all deadlines outlined in the project schedule

  • Complete amendments requested at quality assurance (by a Content Quality Lead or Content Manager) by the deadline specified in the schedule. Quality assurance is the final check before the content is sent to the client

What to expect from your first Jellyfish project:

You will be invited to apply to projects that become available. If you are selected from the applicants, you will be invited to join the project team. Each client has a specific brief, which Jellyfish will provide training on via webinar and feedback on the first pieces you edit.

The process for editing with Jellyfish:

  • You will be provided with a content brief detailing the client’s requirements. There may also be extra resources, such as glossaries and style guides, to help you edit to the client’s specifications

    • You will be provided with a schedule for the project, please fill this out as soon as possible to notify the Project Manager of any holidays or absences

  • The Project Manager will allocate you tasks to edit on J+ Scribe. You will receive an email letting you when you have received new work

    • Log on to J+ Scribe to accept any tasks you are assigned

    • At first, new tasks will appear under ‘upcoming assignments’ on your J+ Scribe dashboard

    • You will be emailed when the first task in your allocation is ready to edit, and it will display in your J+ Scribe dashboard as a "current assignment". You can refer to the project's schedule to know when to expect this to happen

  • J+ Scribe will display key product information for each task, this should be used in conjunction with the content brief to edit the content when it reaches you.

  • You should review the content, in line with the information provided and the content brief, and decide if it is up to ‘subbing standard’ (ie ready for editing). If it is not up to subbing standard, you can request amendments from the copywriter

    • For more information about giving feedback and requesting amends, read on here.

  • When you request amendments, the content will go back to the copywriter on J+ Scribe. They will complete the amendments and send back to you. You can request two rounds of amends on a piece of content if necessary

    • If a copywriter or translator’s work consistently requires extensive amendments and they are not improving with feedback, please notify your Content Quality Lead or Content Manager

  • After amendments are complete, you will edit the content to be completely client-ready. This means the piece should be grammatically perfect, should adhere to the content brief and should be factually accurate

  • After editing, you will either submit the content straight to the client or to Quality Assurance.

  • If your project has a Quality Assurance layer, you may receive amendments on any element on your pieces that is not completely client-ready

  • When your work is approved, the rate for this task is added to your J+ Scribe payments record and will be sent to you in line with the J+ Scribe payment process. For projects using the J+ Community process, please see the J+ Community payment process.

I'm a translator

Congratulations on joining the J+ Community as a translator. You can now complete project application tests to start creating content for our clients.

You will:

  • Attend the webinar and complete training for any projects you join (this won't apply on some projects using the J+ Community process)

  • Use the source text to localise pieces in line with the content brief

  • Localise pieces to meet ‘subbing standard’ – this means copy editors should only need to proofread and fact-check it, rather than make substantial changes

  • Meet all deadlines outlined in the project schedule

  • Complete amendments requested by the copy editor by the deadline specified in the schedule

What to expect from your first Jellyfish project:

When you have successfully passed a project application test you will be invited to join that project. Each client has a specific content brief, which Jellyfish will provide training on via webinar and feedback on the first pieces you write.

The process for translating with Jellyfish:

  • You will be provided with a content brief detailing the client’s requirements. There may also be extra resources, such as glossaries and style guides, to help you write to the client’s specifications.

    • You will be provided with a schedule for the project, please fill this out as soon as possible to notify the Project Manager of any holidays or absences

  • The Project Manager will allocate you tasks to translate on J+ Scribe. You will receive an email letting you when you have received new work

    • Log in to J+ Scribe to accept any tasks you are assigned.

  • J+ Scribe will display the source text for each task, this should be used in conjunction with the content brief to localise the content

  • Once you’ve finished localising the content, you can submit it to the copy editor on J+ Scribe

  • A key part of the process at Jellyfish is amendments (or ‘amends’ as we call them). You should consult the schedule to know when to expect amendment requests and feedback from the copy editor

  • Complete any amendments by the deadline outlined in the project schedule

  • The copy editor may request up to two rounds of amendments

  • When the copy editor approves the final version of your work, the rate for this task is added to your J+ Scribe payments record and will be sent to you in line with the J+ Scribe payment process. For projects using the J+ Community process, please see the J+ Community payment process.

Please note: Some translation work may be allocated to you on Memsource. The Project Manager on the project will inform you if this is the case.

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