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Sustainability at Jellyfish
Updated over a week ago

At Jellyfish we believe that we hold a responsibility to profoundly transform our business in order to build resilience not only for ourselves, but for our entire ecosystem. We want to help build a future where marketing becomes a force of positive environmental change.

Our industry was late to the game...but that's changing

Although our industry, digital marketing and advertising, is usually on top of every trend, it took some time to address the impact of its operations on climate change. In the past few years, however, we have seen these conversations gain real momentum with the creation of Ad Net Zero, an organization that aims to transform the whole industry, and the active participation of GARM and IAB in these discussions.

Every stakeholder is now asking for change, especially clients and prospects who are thoroughly reviewing their suppliers' commitments. New regulations are helping to accelerate this transformation: in the EU, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive comes into action this year, radically raising the bar regarding the disclosure of organizations’ environmental and social impact. It will progressively apply to most companies that operate in the EU.

How we plan to tackle this challenge at Jellyfish

In 2023, we launched J4 Sustainability, a 360-degree program that aims to transform the way we run our business and deliver projects with our clients.

Our top objectives:

  • Achieve net-zero emissions across our operations by 2030

  • Be able to manage and monitor a carbon budget for all media buying and creative production projects

  • Turn at least 25% of the creative content we design and produce into an opportunity to encourage better consumption behaviours among consumers

To achieve these, Jellyfish nominated Céline Craipeau as VP of Sustainability in July 2023. Céline is working with every team at Jellyfish to co-develop dedicated roadmaps, and with the Brandtech Sustainability team to align our strategy with all other organizations in the group.

What’s we’re currently working on

Our partnership with Scope3 gives us unlimited access to their carbon calculation model, to measure the carbon footprint of our programmatic and paid social campaigns. See our Linkedin announcement

  • Carbon dashboard - Sanofi Case Study

    To support Sanofi in measuring and reducing CO2 emissions across all their digital media and in more than 35 markets, we developed a dedicated reporting that is now shared with all their media teams / media agencies globally. Read the client’s interview

  • Carbon reduction in programmatic marketing

    We have developed an algorithm that allows us to reduce CO2 per impression while, at the same time, improving media performances. Our first test with two French clients in the telecommunication and CPG industries yielded great results: -20 to -30% CO2 per impression / -8% on CPCV (cost per completed view)

  • Carbon measurement for all our live shoots (ad production) using AdGreen

    Our Ad Production team, trained on AdGreen, is now ready to measure the carbon emissions for all live shoots. A first analysis of the collected data will be produced at the end of Q1 before we start communicating those numbers to clients in Q2 and establish carbon reduction guidelines

Coming soon - Jellyfish’s Sustainability report will be published in April 2024, and it will include our first ever annual carbon footprint for our own operations. Stay tuned.

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