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Translation Memory
Updated over a year ago

Jellyfish's translation memory is a database that stores segments of text that have been translated before on a given project. Translation memory is used on many of Jellyfish's localisation projects to improve quality, speed, consistency and efficiency.

The translation memory (AMT) stage is always the first in the workflow, prior to localisation.

Here's a brief overview of how to complete a task:

  1. Click on the AMT assignment on your J+ Scribe dashboard and click into the first task

  2. Bullets that exactly match previous translations will be pre-populated and bullets that don't match need to be translated and confirmed. Simply provide the translation and use the tick icon to confirm it. We have a glossary feature at this stage, so you can search for common terms such as colours and materials and see the most recent bullet point localisations of that term to speed up translation work.

  3. Once all segments have been populated, click on ‘Submit to localisation’. You should submit tasks as you move through a batch to allow the teams to start working on the localisation stage.

Keyboard shortcuts

TAB to go to next segment

SHIFT+TAB to go to previous segment

CMD + ENTER to confirm while in a segment


  • The glossary on J+ Scribe will update and build based on translations you input.

  • It is separate from the glossary that is kept on any master trackers and automatically updates with recent translations.

  • It only displays during the translation memory stage.

Editing bullet points

  • Once submitted to localisers and copy editors, the content and order of the bullets can be changed. This will not affect the translation memory.


  • The payment structure is based on the number of words you translate. This will be based on a per word rate of set on each project, and your payment amount will be calculated once you have submitted the tasks.

  • Payments will be made via J+ Scribe automatically.

If you have any queries regarding translation memory, please contact the Project Manager on the project.

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